Nice graphics
The game has potential
Nice graphics
The game has potential
Thrilling, nailbiting...
Thrilling, nailbiting... not.
Unique, creative, original.
Music, 2-D, lag need improvement
Each monster is killed the exact same way, jump, shoot, jump, shoot, etc. And the game is very laggy.
The 2-D is very flat, although the drawing is "OK". Could improve the flatness of the game a lot.
Thanks for the input regarding the depth of the game. However, concerning music and art, different people have different tastes, so 1-word personal opinions are of no help to the developers
Not the most mentally challenging of games...
And oh the music, oh so repetetive.
Rather slow
I found it rather slow. But the movement was smooth. I don't know, keep working on it, maybe.
Great job, great memories.
This raises the standard of what a 10/10 flash should be.
And yes, the iddqd, idkfa, etc. cheats work on the doom game.
Cool graphics and music, poor controls, no info
Cool graphics and music, poor controls, no instructions.
I think the game has potential, but it does run slowly. Work on it some more and complete the game and resubmit.
Joined on 10/3/04