Seriously? Have to use an email addy to play this game? For real, dude? Come on...
Seriously? Have to use an email addy to play this game? For real, dude? Come on...
Mind telling me how I'm supposed to use SPACE, ENTER, and CLICK at the same time?!
Yes I do. This is a hard game, its hardness is about menaging two controls at the same time.
(You have to click enter only at the start of the game). If you think that it is too hard, play with a friend.
The fact that when you die you completely start over sucks. You can't start over on the level you died on? pbbbttthh...
Just left this running all night long... woke up and that made it a lot easier.
Must be some browser incompatibility -- Google Chrome. My car just whizzed through the levels at high speed after level 1 and I got the 3rd high score as "YOUALLSUCK".
I am not able to reproduce the bug you are talking about. Can you please pm me what Flash do you use and some more details? (Is it Chrome's Pepper Flash or standard?) chrome://plugins
Game doesn't load and freezes at 26%.
you tried reload? :)
Wow, that takes you back...
What's the point of collecting upgrades in the survival mode if you can't apply them to anything?
Nice background music, but the theme of the game seems... eerily familiar.
Fun, easy, not overwhelmingly challenging.
Like pwca6 said, I can't see the description on the "icy bot" because of the ad.
Joined on 10/3/04